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Stainless Steel Barriers Queue Que Stands with Rope or Belt option Complete Set

Stainless Steel Barriers Queue Que Stands with Rope or Belt option Complete Set

  • KSH 17,000

  • Inclusive of VAT
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Stainless Steel Barriers Queue Que Stands with Rope or Belt option Complete Set

Comes with Rope and Belt options


Colours: Blue, Red, Green & Purple.


Queue Barriers - Used To Controlling Crowd & Waiting Lines. In the field of facilities management, Queue Barriers are commonly known with different names like Queue Managers, Crowd Controllers, Public Guidance Systems, Line Manager, Stanchion Post, Q Post, Queue Stand etc. These use a variety of measurement technologies which predict and measure queue lengths and waiting times and provide management information to help service levels and resource deployment.

Endless Uses: Perfect for crowd control at: Retail stores, Sporting arenas, Airports, Banks, Registrations, Hotels, Concert Venues, Trade Shows etc.


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Tags: Queue, stands, available, in, Nairobi, Kenya, Queue, manager, stand, we, sell, Queue, line, stands, at, best, prices, Queue, barriers, que, stands, with, ropes, belt, stainless, steel, queue, stands.